Crafting an Inviting Guest Bed Sanctuary That Will Delight Your Visitors
Crafting an Inviting Guest Bed Sanctuary That Will Delight Your Visitors
A well-prepared guest bed begins with the fundamentals, but it's the specifics that make it exceptional—like soft sheets, additional blankets and pillows, an essential oil diffuser, and even a welcome note. These considerate touches help establish a guest sanctuary that might make them reluctant to depart. Utilize our suggestions to establish an ambiance that visitors will long for after their departure.
Establish a Strong Base
The fundamentals of an excellent guest bed require creating a haven that you would enjoy sleeping in yourself. This means selecting a mattress that meets your expectations. If it's not satisfactory for your regular use, you may want to replace it or make it more comfortable by adding a quality mattress topper.
A mattress protector or pad is another crucial aspect of a well-constructed bed. Ensure it fits properly and is tightened enough to prevent shifting, wrinkling, or coming loose during the night. Select the ideal protector or pad based on your specific needs. For added comfort, consider a plush option that provides an additional layer of cushioning. If children will be using the guest bed, you might want to opt for a waterproof pad to prevent any spills or stains from penetrating the mattress.
Choose the Right Linens
Consider the care you put into selecting linens for your main bedroom and apply that same level of enthusiasm when outfitting your guest bed. Familiarize yourself with thread count, fabric types, and factors that affect sheet quality. Based on your budget, determine the best option.
Fitted and flat sheets are essential, but the rest of the bedding depends on the weather and season. A coverlet or quilt is usually the next layer, with a plush duvet on the bottom of the bed. A throw blanket can be a great finishing touch during the winter months or even year-round if you keep your thermostat low throughout the night.
Arrange the Right Pillows
Sleep pillows can be tricky. It's best not to get too specific (such as a firm foam pillow for side sleepers) unless you are preparing the guest bed for a specific person and know their ideal pillow preferences. Instead, opt for pillows with medium firmness that cater to various sleeping positions. Use two pillowcases per pillow for a more comfortable feel and to act as an additional cleanable layer. Silk pillowcases can be a luxurious addition, but they're not necessary.
Once the sleeping pillows are in place, focus on the decorative elements. Shams, euros, bolsters, and more are all valuable additions. Let the style of your bed and home guide you. However, avoid going overboard as you don't want your guests to feel overwhelmed by having to arrange numerous pillows every morning.
Complete Other Essential Tasks
Now that you have everything needed to create a luxurious bed, consider completing these additional tasks to enhance your guests' experience.
Refresh the Linens
Even if you washed the guest sheets as soon as your last visitors left, if more than a couple of weeks have passed, you'll want to freshen them up. A linen spray, fluffing the pillows, and hand-smoothing the quilt or coverlet are all that's necessary when time is tight, but it's best to replace any sheets that have been on the bed for more than two weeks.
Stock the Wardrobe
Ensure that there are extra blankets, pillows, and sheets in a nearby linen closet or wardrobe. Be sure to inform your guests of their availability and location upon their arrival to avoid any late-night scavenger hunts.
Inspect the Mattress and Bed
Examine your mattress and bed for any issues before guests arrive and vacuum and deodorize your mattress using baking soda. You can also include these tasks in your regular sheet-washing routine. This will not only provide a more comfortable environment for your visitors, but it will also help extend the life of your mattress.
Tips for Crafting a Cozy Atmosphere
Consider all five senses when cultivating a peaceful setting for guests. Plush pillows, soft lighting, a sound machine, an aroma diffuser, and fresh flowers can help create a calming atmosphere. A bedside carafe and glass can provide the perfect finishing touch.
The BHG magazine suggests using soft sheets, additional blankets, and pillows to enhance the guest bed experience, making it a cozy sanctuary. To further entertain during holiday gatherings, you can add an essential oil diffuser to create a relaxing ambiance.
To complement the comfortable bed, you might want to arrange decorative pillows in various sizes, such as shams, euros, and bolsters, maintaining a balance between style and avoidance of overwhelming your guests. Additionally, consider stocking the wardrobe with extra blankets and pillows for guests' convenience.